I work as a consultant, teacher, trainer and projectmanager for the Amsterdam education and cultural education sector. Since 2005, I have worked for the expertise centre for cultural education of the city of Amsterdam, Mocca, and increasingly for a number of other organisations.
After three decades of working in the art education sector in all kinds of ways, it is very inspiring to be able to educate, train and excite new generations of artists and teachers. They do so in a rapidly changing society where new concepts are becoming central to the work. From process-oriented education to equity and inclusion, and from the teacher as coach to global art. I take this with me in my teaching and training practice and that keeps working in this sector exciting and challenging.
My work as a trainer started at the BIK (Beroepskunstenaars in de klas) on project management. At the MoccaAcademy, I developed various training programmes for artists and teachers, and in addition I was occasionally asked to give training for other target groups.
I develop workshops and training courses for Cultuur+Ondernemen. Topics include: product development, branding, acquisition, presentation and negotiation techniques. I trained visual art teachers (AHK Breitner Academy), designers (Driving Dutch Design), fashion designers, photographers and dance teachers (Strooom Foundation).
For the MoccaAcademy I developed the course Fundraising in Education (for cultural education). More than two hundred fundraisers from the education and cultural sector followed this course in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and the province of Zuid-Holland.
In the past 15 years, I have trained more than 250 Internal Culture Coordinators in Amsterdam. In addition, from the academic year 2015 - 2016 I have provided, together with the Marnix Academy Training Centre, the post graduate course Cultuurbegeleider in Amsterdam and Utrecht.
As a teacher, I was associated with the post graduate course Professional Artists In the Classroom (BIK) for a number of years and gave lessons in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Zwolle.
In the framework of a Leonardo Lifelong Learning programme of ICEnet, I developed the Traks4A tool in 2013 - 2015 with a group of European colleagues under the leadership of Creativity, Culture, Education (CCE). A tool for artists to test and polish their cultural education competences. Then I was part of the project team Europe in Perspective that designed the Becoming, Belonging, Believing training on arts education and inclusion, of which I am the first accredited trainer in the Netherlands.
In the past 15 years, I have gained extensive experience in working with intercultural groups in the Netherlands, especially asylum seekers (st. Theater Organisatie voor Vluchtelingenkinderen, TOV) in various projects in East Africa. Together with Sami Gathii (Yaden East Africa) and Janneke Tigchelaar, I developed the Cre8 in 8 methodology. A roadmap aimed at young makers and youth groups for developing social artistic projects. In 2016, I developed the Cre8 in 8 training with two colleagues from Kenya, Harrison Okwach and Dina Abok. From 2021 we organise the biennial Cre8 Masterclass programme in collaboration with Dutch NGO Wilde Ganzen and their Change the Game academy.
Het Vijfde Seizoen is an artists in residence programme of psychiatric institution Altrecht in Den Dolder. Here I worked in 2016 and 2017 as a moderator for an in-service training programme for psychiatrists.
Between 2016 and 2019 I was a lecturer at the Master of Arts Education at Fontys Academy of the Arts in Tilburg. There, under my supervision, first-year students designed a training on creative ability for teachers and artists in primary and secondary education and I guided second-year students in writing their thesis.
Since the academic year 2019 -2020, I have been part of a group of teachers who designed the Master Musical Leadership for the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and the Music for an Inclusive Society master elective.
Since 2019 I work as a (freelance) trainer, teacher, consultant and coach. Among others for PleinC, Hart Haarlem, DOK / Cultuurhelden, Delft, Cultuurschakel Den Haag, Fleck Flevoland.
Dance was and is one of my passions and I still teach dance classes and workshops to a variety of audiences. Young children and parents, children with down, young artists in East Africa and elementary school group teachers.
Since the academic year 2022 - 2023 I am connected to the Fontys Academy of the Arts as a consultant, coach and process supervisor in several projects of the faculty for art education and the Master Arts Education.